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Learn and Lead one Stop
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Don’t Settle For Less
The Leadership Experience
The Leadership Experience creates an environment where self-awareness and discovery will occur in a non-threatening and fun way. The Leadership Experience creates a level playing field where everyone in the room shares their perspective while learning from others. This truly unique, experiential learning activity will increase your leadership intelligence quotient. The session lasts up to three hours and is designed for groups as small as 12, but may easily be customized for much larger groups. The Leadership Experience is appropriate for adults and youth.
Charge Forward
Team Building Workshop
This two-hour interactive team building session will take your team to a new level and will include a research-based presentation including activities that will promote deep communication. Team members will learn and practice strategies to assess and up-level individual and collective skills needed to operate a powerful and effective team. The Team Building Workshop is designed for adults and will be adapted appropriately for young adults.
Seminar content will reference and reflect information and strategies from the following publications:
Harvard Review article: “A collection from forty years of research on Teamwork”
Good to Great by Jim Collins, Stanford University
Red Teaming by Bryce G. Hoffman, Financial Journalist
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni, founder of The Table Group and business writer
Becoming a Person of Influence by John C. Maxwell
“The Effectiveness of Teamwork Training on Teamwork Behaviors and Team
John C. Maxwell / Dee Ann Stricklett
Don’t Settle For Less
DISC Personality Assessment Workshop for young adults: 12-22
DISC measures observable behavior. Behaviors are considered to be the “how” of your life and are apparent in the things you do and how you act. DISC is also the language of people watching, or observing others’ actions. Behavioral characteristics are categorized into four dimensions of behavior, and referred to as: Dominance Influence Steadiness Conscientiousness/Compliance
This interactive two-hour workshop for youth will address Social and Emotional Growth, Cultural Competence, and Positive Behavior.
Something For the youth
Charge Forward
Customized Professional Development for adults and young adults
Let’s have a conversation to see how I may customize to meet the Professional Development or Leadership needs of your organization. Areas of expertise: Leadership, Team Building, Gifted, Early Literacy, Curriculum and Climate Auditing, Instructional Coaching, Individual Coaching, Thinking Partner.

From Our Founder
More About Dee Ann
Dee Ann Stricklett
M.S. in Educational Administration- University of Dayton
Leadership and Educational Consultant
Website: LearnandLeadOneStop.com
Serving: Businesses, Educational Institutions, and Community Groups
Contact info: E-mail: learnandleadonestop@yahoo.com Phone: 937-205-3985
Please e-mail to set up an appointment to discuss your needs and flexible pricing.
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